Level (MB-M1) description

Burmese alphabet and very basic vocabulary and grammar in daily life.

Spoken / Written Spoken: 100 %
Vocabulary range 200 – 300
Learning period72 hours (3 months)

Basic vocabulary and grammar to survive and communicate in daily life.

Spoken / Written Spoken: 100 %
Vocabulary range 500 – 700
Learning period144 hours (6 months)

Be able to communicate in daily life and read simple paragraph.

Spoken / Written Spoken: 100 %
Vocabulary range 1200 – 1400
Learning period288 hours (12 months)

Be able to communicate with native speaker and read normal paragraph.

Spoken / Written Spoken: 70 %, Written: 30 %
Vocabulary range 2500 – 3500
Learning period432 hours (18 months)

Be able to communicate in Business situation and read difficult paragraph.

Spoken / Written Spoken: 50 %, Written: 50 %
Vocabulary range 6000 ++
Learning period576 hours (24 months ++)