Associate Professor at Tokyo University of Foreign Studies (TUFS) with Burmese language and linguistic specializing. Born in 1966, and graduated with Burmese major from Osaka University of Foreign Studies (Present: Osaka University) in 1992. After finishing master at TUFS with Burmese language and linguistic major, studied at Yangon University Myanmar from 2000 to 2002. Started to join in TUFS as an associate professor with Burmese major in 2008.

Graduated from Osaka University, School of Foreign Studies, Burmese major in 2015. In 2017, Got a master’s degree in Language and culture in the same university. From 2017 to 2018, studied at Yangon University of Foreign Languages for a year. Now studying in the Osaka University Graduate School of of Language and Culture as a doctoral student. Also working on Myanmarese-Japanese interpretations and translations.

Joined in language education company since 2015 and has taught Burmese language to more than 50 foreigners. Assigned as Burmese language consultant in 2018, and train beginner Burmese language teacher as well as making curriculum. Bachelor degree of University of Dental Medicine, Yangon. Diploma in Computing(QCF). N4 Level of Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT).